What are the Factors Affecting Success in Hair Transplantation?

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After the decision for a hair transplant operation is taken, specialist hospitals and hair transplant centers are consulted. Although information is provided in these hospitals and centers in great detail, the possibility of failure in hair transplantation is considered. There are factors that affect the success of hair transplantation. And when these factors are eliminated or minimized, there is no possibility of not achieving success.

Factors Affecting Success in Hair Transplantation

The factors affecting the success in hair transplantation are the factors related to both the person who will have the hair transplant and the specialist who will do the hair transplant. The donor site should be examined before hair transplantation. The more favorable the donor site situation is, the higher the success rate will be. The donor area is the name given to the area where the hair follicles can be transplanted in hair transplantation. This area needs to be well defined.

  • Shoulder or leg
  • lower and upper jaw
  • The area of the hair that can be transplanted in the head area
  • Nape
  • Chest
  • Other areas where there are hair follicles suitable for transplantation in the body region

These areas are the areas examined in hair transplantation. However, the procedure is usually performed with the method of hair root removal from the nape region and other regions are not preferred. However, in cases where the hair root on the neck cannot be utilized, other regions are applied compulsorily. If the nape area cannot be used, the second important area, the lower and upper jaw area, is examined. One of the most important factors affecting the success in hair transplantation is the donor area and the selection of this area affects the whole process.

Does Baldness Level Affect Success in Hair Transplantation?

Among the factors affecting success in hair transplantation, the level of baldness plays an important role. The increase in the level of baldness reduces the success of the hair transplant operation. Hair transplantation operation is performed with hair follicles taken from the donor area of the person. For this reason, if there are not enough hair follicles in the determined donor area to cover the opening of the shed hair, the result of the operation may not satisfy the patient. Studies are continuing to produce many hair follicles from a single hair root. When these studies are widely used, baldness will not be among the factors affecting the success of hair transplantation.

Does Chosen Doctor Affect Success in Hair Transplantation?

The doctor is among the factors that affect the success of hair transplantation. The chosen hair transplant center and doctor have a high impact on success. Hair transplantation operations performed by specialist doctors in the centers approved by the Ministry of Health should be preferred. Hair transplantation is a serious operation and you have the right to ask your doctor for a reference before transplantation.

What are the Other Factors Affecting Success in Hair Transplantation?

While the donor site, level of baldness and doctor's experience play an important role in hair transplantation, other factors should also be considered.

Among the factors affecting the success of hair transplantation, 3 more items should be considered;

Transplantation Technique to be used: Hair transplantation techniques are constantly being developed. As these techniques develop, the rate of performing more natural, more robust and more successful operations is increasing. For this reason, one of the most important issues that people who will have hair transplantation should pay attention to is that they prefer the latest technology.
Waiting Time of Hair Roots: During the operation, the hair follicles to be transplanted from the donor area are taken first. These hair follicles are kept in the area to be transplanted with special solutions during channel opening. However, prolonging this period will cause the hair follicles to lose their vitality. This has a high impact on the success of the operation.
Conditions for Waiting for Hair Roots: After the hair follicles are collected from the donor area, they quickly lose their vitality when left outside the body. This rate increases even more when these roots are not kept in a cold environment with special solutions. If the right protection conditions are not applied, the transplantation of the collected hair follicles results in failure.
Rules to be followed after hair transplantation
Among the factors affecting the success of hair transplantation, whether the person follows the post-operative rules or not also plays an important role. After hair transplantation, the person wants to regain their new hair as quickly as possible. However, not paying attention to the points that need attention after the operation reduces the chance of success.

The most important rule that the patient should pay attention to after hair transplantation is that he should not receive any blow to the head. At the same time, movements that will put pressure on the head should be avoided. Especially during the first two weeks, lying face down during sleep and using large pillows may cause damage to the transplanted area. During dressing and undressing, clothes with buttons on the front such as shirts and cardigans should be preferred instead of clothes that will go over the head.

During the first two weeks, activities that will affect the hair follicles and scalp such as Turkish bath, swimming, sauna, and solarium should be avoided.

All kinds of hairdressing services should also be avoided. At the end of the first two weeks, the hair can be cut with scissors. However, scraping will still damage the hair follicles. After 45 days, any desired hair procedure can be done.

However, hair transplantation is an operation that needs attention for 1 year.

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