Inner Lip Aesthetic Surgery

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Inner lip aesthetic surgery is performed to correct the inner lips of the vagina, called labium minus. The inner lips of the vagina may be larger than normal in some women. There are odor and secretion glands in the inner lips of the vagina. When labium minuses are large, they can cause bad odor and discharge and may cause contamination of underwear. If they are too large, they can cause difficulties during sexual intercourse and social embarrassment and shyness.

Who Can Have Inner Lip Surgery?

Congenital or acquired

  • Large inner lips
  • Discharge, odor and soiling of underwear
  • Lips showing through clothing
  • Loss of aesthetic appearance
  • Sagging out of the outer lips
  • It can be performed on adult women who are uncomfortable with problems such as loosening of the inner lips, etc. and who want to have this corrected and who do not mind having surgery.

How is Inner Lip Aesthetic Surgery Performed?

Inner (small) lip surgery is performed on labium minors. Too large inner vaginal lips can be corrected by surgical procedure. The process of correcting large labia minora is called labiaplasty or vaginal labia aesthetics.

The patient is first placed under general anesthesia. Then the operation is started by opening the incisions.

Sexual aesthetic operations can be performed with regional anesthesia or full anesthesia according to the preference of the person and the physician. General anesthesia is usually chosen for the comfort of the patient and the physician during the operation. Operation stages:

  • The patient is put to sleep with general anesthesia and does not feel pain.
  • The excess parts of the inner lips are removed.
  • The incisions are sutured and the operation is completed.

Since the incisions in labiaplasty surgery are made using a special self-melting thread, no stitches need to be removed.

How is the Postoperative Period?

Inner lip aesthetic surgery can take approximately 30 minutes to 60 minutes. You can go home immediately after sexual aesthetic surgeries performed with regional anesthesia. If full sleep is selected, follow-up is done for at least 4 to 6 hours in the hospital.

The aftermath of sexual plastic surgery is usually comfortable. Most of the time, there is not enough pain to require the use of painkillers.

One day after the female genitalia vagina inner lip aesthetic surgery, you can return to your current social life and start your job two days later.

What Should I Pay Attention to After Surgery?

Medications recommended by the doctor should be used regularly. Due to the application of protective antibiotics and the contamination of the area, personal hygiene should be taken care of. Dressing should be done with the medicines given for care and the area should be kept clean and dry.

Laundry preference and hygiene rules are important during this period. The patient should not take a shower for 3 days and should take care not to take a shower with very hot water for 1 week after 3 days. Cleaning should be provided with other alternatives.

In addition to these, long walks, sports, sexual intercourse, very tight underwear and pants should not be preferred for 20 days.

Sexual intercourse should be restricted for 3 weeks.

Are There Scars After Surgery?

After the inner lip surgery, since the scars show a healing close to the color of the intact tissue, situations that disrupt the aesthetic appearance are not encountered. The scars are indistinct and do not attract much attention.

Is there any loss of sensation after labiaplasty?

Intervention on the labia minora does not cause any significant damage to the nerve endings that provide sensation when no other tissue is intervened.

Can I Give Birth After Inner Lip Surgery?

You can get pregnant and give birth normally after this operation. After birth, the inner lips may experience some loosening and loss of firmness. However, these problems will not be as bad as the unaesthetic appearance before surgery.

What are the Prices for Inner Lip Aesthetics?

Labiaplasty prices are shaped according to the degree of problem. For more detailed information, it is necessary to be examined.

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